Monday 31 October 2016

Competition details added

Details of the East Devon Jurassic Bowls Tournament can be found in the competions section.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Teignbridge League Pairs

Today 29th October saw the Teignbridge Pairs tournament take place at Christow. The 12 teams played 4 games with 3 woods with a break between games 2 and 3 where they were treated to a cream tea prepared by Chris and Wendy. Derek had his work cut out too, not only over the organisation of the event, but in adding the scores up at the end. It was very tight between Kingsteignton B and  Bishopsteignton B. Overall shots scored were needed to separate the two teams, even then there was just one shot between them. Kingstiegton B (Audrey & Andy) were declared the winners. £88.00 was raised for the charity (Exeter Leukaemia Fund) including the money raised from the raffle run by Val Beer.
Result Details:
1st : Kingsteignton B.... 9 Points, +13 Shots. Overall shots 42
2nd : Bishopsteignton B....9 Points, +13 Shots. Overall shots 41
3rd : Bishopsteignton A....9 Points, +12 Shots.
For the records, Christow (Brad & Ralph) finished 6th with 6 points and +4 shots.

Christow A v Cheriton Bishop Result

Score: Christow A 14 Cheriton Bishop 20?
On Wednesday 26th. Christow A (Tom,Carol & Steve) travelled  to Cheriton Bishop where they had a frustrating game on a very challenging mat.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Teignbridge League Availability

Trevor would like to know if you are unable to play in any the next four Teignbridge League matches, which takes us up to Christmas. There is a sheet pinned to the notice board with space to write you name if you at NOT available to play in these games, which are...
13th November (Kingsteignton Home)......30th November (Exminster Home)......9th December (Buckfast Away)......14th December (Bishops Home).

Christow B v Exminster A Result

Score: Christow B 15 - Exminster A 10
Last night 26th October Christow B (Brad, Derek & Chris) met Exminster A skipped by Ken Beer.
The game started well for Christow pulling out a 9 - 3 advantage after the 5th end. By end 11 Exminster had pulled the score back to 10 - 9 in favour of Christow. On the 12th end Christow scored 4 shots which gave them a cushion they would not loose during the final 3 ends.

Monday 24 October 2016

South Brent Tournament Details

Click on the Competitions link to find out more.

Devon v Dorset Sunday 23rd October

A very enjoyable and competitive games of bowls took place at ISCA yesterday. Devon met Dorset on their home ground. There were a good number of players from Christow taking part. One in the Premier team and 6 in the A team. The result at the end of play was:
Premier Team :  Devon 24 (199 shots) Dorset 16 (178 shots).
A TeamDevon 27 (204 shots) Dorset 13 (171 shots).

Saturday 22 October 2016

Devon County Qualifiers (amended)

Congratulations to those that have reached the knockout rounds in this years County games at ISCA. Commiserations to those who missed the cut, hope you still enjoyed the experience.
Singles: Trevor & Georgina
Pairs: Tom & Carol - Steve & Trevor
Triples: Steve, Trevor & Brad - Tom, Carol & ?
Fours: Geoff, Maureen, Sue & Margaret (Moretonhampstead).
Geoff's team have already played their next round match, where in the quarter finals they were drawn against James Smith and his team. The match went in favour of James.

Friday 21 October 2016

Christmas Meal Details

Information regarding this years Christmas meal can be found by clicking on the news link.

New Members Join Christow

We would like to welcome two new members to Christow, Andrew and Carol Wilkinson. Many of us have payed against them at their previous club at Abbotskerswell.

Teignbridge League Match against Ideford

Our first match in the Teignbridge League took place on Wednesday 19th October. Match results...  
Before tea:
Mat 1 Christow 24 - Ideford 7
Mat 2 Christow 10 - Ideford 11
After tea:
Mat 1 Christow 22 - Ideford 4
Mat 2 Christow 12 - Ideford 8
With 3 wins and the extra points for overall shot difference we took a valuable 8 points from a possible total of 10.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Abbotskerswell Presentation

On Saturday 15th October Derek & Neil attended the Abbotskerswell Teignbridge League Trophy presentation afternoon. They laid on a small triples tournament. This consisted of 3 matches each over 6 ends, this was amended to 8 ends as we were getting through the matches quickly. Each pair from visiting clubs had an Abbots player join them on each game. The winners were the team with the greatest overall shots. Winners Ideford 26 shots....runners up Christow 25 shots. Prize was a Mars bar each.....all good fun. We were then treated to a buffet tea before the presentation.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Christow A's first League match

Score: Christow A 16  Wonford B 14
In a Titanic battle of Epic proportions.....Christow A (Tom, Carol & Steve) overcame the might of Wonford B (Simon Pridham, Michael Irvings and James Smith). The match was very tight all the way trough and on the final end with Christow one shot in hand, Wonford were holding 3 shots with Tom and James still having one bowl each to play. Tom played weight into the head and managed to spring the jack where it had been sitting in a cluster of Wonfords woods and take shot. James also played weight but failed to change the outcome. Well done Christow.

Club Night Times Changed

Both Sunday and Wednesday club night timings have been changed. Sundays will still start at 7.00pm but finish half an hour earlier at 9.30pm. Wednesday evenings will start half an hour earlier at 7.00pm and  finish at 9.30pm rather than 10pm.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Devon County Triples

Last Saturday 3 teams fron Christow took part in the Devon County Triples. Steve. Trevor & Brad had a delayed start due to a bye in their group. When they did get on the mats they managed to qualify for the Finals on Sunday 18th December. The two other teams of Edwin, Janet & Beryl........Geoff, Sue & Maureen were not so fortunate and did not make the final round, hope you all enjoyed the day.
Good luck to all players this coming weekend which sees the Singles and Pairs competitions getting under way.

Exeter League Result (Christow B)

Score: Christow B 18  Silverton B 10
Christow B (Neil, Brad & Ralph) travelled to Silverton last night October 11th. They had a good game against Ken Holmes team and kept the score tight at 6 shots all by the 6th end. when they reached end 10 they had pulled out a lead of 14 - 7 and held on during the remaining ends to finish with a 18 - 10 win.

Monday 10 October 2016

Exeter League Fixtures link updated

The fixtures between Christow B and Silverton B have been changed. This is due to the hall at Silverton not being available for our away match on 3rd January.

Teignbridge Pairs Update

See News link for Teignbridge Pairs  latest.

Friday 7 October 2016

News & Competitions links added

A news and competitions link has been added to the page. The idea is that important information will be easier to find in one place rather than getting lost in the ever growing list of posts. The same is true of Competition invitations, so there is a link to these too. Any updates to these or other links will be notified via a post like this one.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Exeter League Result (Christow B)

Last night 5th October, Janet, Edwin and Neil travelled to Broadclyst to play their first match of the season. They started well picking up a 4 shot lead after 2 ends, by end 6 Broadclyst had levelled the score at 5 all. Christow then won more ends than their opponents and by end 14 had a healthy 4 shot lead, this was tested with Broadclyst holding 5 shots and Christow having the last bowl they managaged to get a bowl into the head and cut Broadclysts shot count down to 2 and giving the match to Christow by 12 shots to 10. Well done Christow.

Clinton Gates Shield - Merton S.M.B.C

An invitation from Merton Short Mat Bowls Club has been received.
On Saturday 26th November at The Clinton Hall, Merton we will be holding our...... 
  • Teams to consist of 3 players playing with 3 woods each.
  • Each team will play 4 games of 10 ends or 50 minutes, whichever comes sooner.
  • Dress code:  club colours or white with grey.
  • Entrance fee £39 (to include lunch and all refreshments).
First 16 teams from different clubs will receive priority.  If your club wishes to enter more than one team, please indicate this on the slip below and, in the event of a shortfall in entries from different clubs, a draw will be made.
Entry form will be displayed on the information board.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Teignbridge League Ideford home match Teams

Players for our first match in the Teignbridge League on October 19th against Ideford have been announced.

Team 1.... Mary, Chris, Neil.          Reserve Beryl.
Team 2.... Geoff, Carol. Tom.        Reserve Ralph.
Team 3.... Janet, Edwin, Steve.    Reservw Gordon.
Team 4.... Derek, Brad, Trevor.     Reserve Sue

For those who do not see their name above, our next match also at home is on Wednesday 16th November, Please be patient.
Keep the 29th October free for the Teignbridge Pairs at Christow. Any more helpers on the day are very welcome.