Covid - Updates


The most recent Government statement from February 24th has set out the latest stage in its route map ‘Living with Covid .

The Government has removed the legal requirements formerly in place to restrict the transmission of Covid, and instead replaced it with guidance. The ESMBA will be using this to ensure the safety of all those attending the upcoming National competitions.

It remains important to continue to think about not only your own health, but also those you meet, and the Government has issued a list of safer behaviours which can help reduce the risk of transmission.

Please continue to respect those you may meet and stay home if you feel unwell. We recommend that members who are meeting people they would not normally, take a lateral flow test to determine their covid status to protect those who may be more vulnerable or have underlying health issues.

Please ensure your Venues are kept well ventilated. Some members may have medical reasons or just feel safer by continuing to wear a face covering in indoor settings. Please be understanding of people’s right to choose what best suits them. 

Counties and clubs should continue to santise equipment as appropriate and ensure a continued supply of hand gel sanitiser is available all around the venue and the mats for everyone to use. 

For counties and clubs, please ensure that members uphold their duty of care to one another as we make this final transition back to ‘Living with Covid’.

Please continue to make it understood that, if after attending an event, a member subsequently tests positive, that they must inform the competitions organisers or county/ club committees so that they can let others who attended know, which in turn enables them to make informed decisions in the best interest of their health and that of those close to them. 

We would urge counties and clubs follow this advice. Everyone must play their part in continuing to keep our clubs and our competitions safe.

On behalf of the ESMBA.   

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