Friday 30 June 2017

Details of the Teign Valley Triples Added

Details of the Teign Valley Triples Competition to be held at Christow can be found on the Competitions page. Application form available via the clubs clipboard or see Mark.

Short Mat Bowlers Circuit

Entries Now Open.
Click on the link below for full information and Entry Forms to each event.
Short Mat Bowlers Circuit Website

Thursday 29 June 2017

Christow Welcomes New Members

We are very pleased to welcome Mark & Jeanette Allen and Ian Nicolls to our club. We hope you enjoy your bowls with us and are looking forward to playing in the Leagues next season.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Willand 2 Bowl Pairs Competition

Hi, We still have a couple of spaces for the above competition to be held on Saturday 22nd July.  If you would like to enter be quick.

Monday 26 June 2017

Friendly with Bishopsteignton

Bishopsteignton have invited us over to their club for a friendly match on either of the following Sunday evenings in July, 16th - 23rd or the 30th. Could you please check your diaries and let me know your thoughts.

County Trials Day

This season they will be a trials day at ISCA on Sunday July 30th. Once the county managers have received player’s trials forms they will be in touch with each trialist to confirm their attendance and start times. It is envisaged that it will be a full day. Please do not just turn up on the day without sending a trial form in and informing the county managers.
Throughout the day trialists will be assessed on their ability and by the end of the day each player will be informed whether the county managers would like them to attend the County Squad day. The County Squad day is to be held several weeks later on Sunday 13th August and will also be held at ISCA.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Willand Pairs Competition Details Added

Details of the Willand Pairs Tournament to be held in the Willand Village Hall on Saturday 22nd July have been added to the competitions  page. Application form will be available via the club clipboard.

Friday 2 June 2017

Busy Weekend For Christow Bowlers

Good luck to all Christow bowlers taking part in this weekends competitions. The West Hill Open Triples where Steve, Edwin and Janet go as the defending champions. In the other direction at The Derwent Hotel in Torquay a number of players will compete in the "Off The Cuff" Tournament, including...Geoff, Maureen, Brad, Ralph, Ava, Chloe & Mark.

Wednesday Evening Bowls

Bowls on a Wednesday evening will continue through the Summer from 7pm to 9pm. If there are any changes to this, details will be posted on here.