Thursday 25 April 2019

Summer Season Bowls Starting Date

Winter season bowls at Christow will finish on Sunday 11th May. The Summer season is scheduled to start on Wednesday 22nd May at 7pm a week after the AGM. It will run every Wednesday evening, until the start of the Winter season. The date for this will be finalised at the AGM and published accordingly.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Teignbridge League Meeting Cancelled

It has been decided to cancel the Teignbridge League meeting, scheduled to take place on Monday 29th April. This is due to Derek being unavailable and because the Fours Competition did not take place, the main reason for the meeting. A date for the next meeting (likley to be the AGM) will be published after the committee discuss the matter with Derek.

Monday 15 April 2019

Teignbridge League Celebration

On Wednesday 15th May after the AGM there will be a small celebration for wining the Teignbridge League. Please could everyone attending bring some food for the feast!! A similar selection to the food we all enjoyed at the Christmas Party would be great.

Christow A v Christow B Result

Last night Tom,Trevor & Steve (Christow A) played as the home team against Janet, Sean & Geoff (Christow B) and elected to play on the fast mat. The match was in most part controlled by the A team, reaching the 7th end they were 10 - 3 ahead. The B team reduced this lead and were only 2 shots behind going into the 11th end. Steve and his team picked up 3 shots on the next end and from there went on to win the match by 18 shots to 13. Well done to them.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Christow B v Silverton B Result

Along side the Teignbridge League match on Wednesday, Christow B played their home match against Silverton B. The match had been rescheduled from March. The match was played on the slower mat by the kitchen. Christow controlled the game for the majority of the 15 ends. The final score was 14 - 6 to Christow, great result.They have two matches left this season, Christow A on Sunday and away to Silverton A on Tuesday. Good luck in those.

Thursday 11 April 2019

League Champions

Congratulations to all the Christow players. You left it a bit close for comfort though.
Ken Beer.

Teignbridge League Captains Message

Thank you  for your support during the period of the season I was captain of the Christow team. I found it challenging at times but also very enjoyable and rewarding. I have decided that I will put my name forward in the election for next years captain. If I get elected, it would be an honour to head the team next season......Brad.

Christow v Buckfast Match Report (Teignbridge League)

Last night Christow played their final Teignbridge League match of the season. Our opponents were Buckfastleigh and the evening was quite intense. All due to our standings in the League table, we needed 4 points to secure top spot. The first session before tea got off to a nervous start, both matches were very close. Christow on mat1 managed to claw back a 7 shot deficit only to miss out on a draw by 1 shot on the last end. On mat 2 Christow added 1 shot to their 4 shot advantage on the final end. After tea Buckfast came out all guns blazing on mat 1 and took a convincing win over Christow. On mat 2 however, Christow had the most convincing win of the night and controlled the game from the start. This gave Christow the 2 points they needed plus the 2 bonus points. A great win and achievement for Christow and on the back of our first County Championships (Tens) win last weekend. Thank you to Trevor and Brad (Captains) for steering the Club to another Teignbridge League title. Congratulations and well done to all the Christow players.....wonderful end to the season.

Christow 6  Buckfast 4

Before Tea
Mat 1 Beryl, Andrew, Tom          12 - 13
Mat 2. Mary, Trevor, Neil            13 - 8
After tea
Mat 1  Maureen, Brad, Steve      9 - 15
Mat 2  Ralph, Ian, Jim                15 - 4

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Christow A v Exminster A Result

On Sunday night Christow A (Carolyn, Trevor & Tom) played away to Exminster A (Barbara Evans, Ken Beer & Dave White). The home team got off to a good start picking up five shots on the first 2 ends and after 7 ends the score was 4 - 9. Christow then went on to win the next 8 ends and won the match by  15 - 9. A good team effort....Tom.

Monday 8 April 2019

Summer Cup 4 Wood Singles with Cash Prizes!

Ottery St Mary SMBC are hosting a singles competition on Sunday 30th June. further detail can be found on the Competition page.

Sunday 7 April 2019

Jurassic Two Pair Fours Report

Cloackham in Axminster was the venue for today's Two Pairs Fours Competition. Two sets of pairs played in the round robin and their scores were combined to find the group winners and six highest runners up. Geoff & Steve were paired with Neil & Ian. Ralph and Brad came to the rescue as a few teams had dropped out, they were paired with another couple who had done the same. Both sets of pairs made it to the knockout stage,where it was every pair to themselves. Neil & Ian along with Ralph and Brad made it to the quarter finals. Sadly Geoff and Steve were unable to overcome there opposition on the tricky mat number 7. It was a very tight quarter final match for Neil & Ian who played Rob Bartlett and David Haylor. The score was 10 shots each going into the last end, Rob & David won the game by 1 shot. Ralph & Brad had a tough match against Graham James & Lorraine Axtell and were beaten by the eventual runners up by 3 shots. The final was won by Eric Pavey and Rachel Wright. There was also a trophy awarded to the best fours combined score, this went to Lorraine Axtell and Graham James along with their  linked pair who's names I forget.....sorry, I know you read this Blog. The day was enjoyed by everyone and very well organised, lovely food too.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Christow Win County Championships at ISCA

Christow were one of six teams today who took part in the finals of the County Championships also known as the Tens Competition. Steve (singles), Brad & Jim (pairs), Trevor, Sean & Geoff (triples), Ava, Tom, Ian & Neil (fours) were drawn against Sidbury and Bow in the qualifying round. Christow finished top of their group, as did Totnes Creameries in the other group by beating Wick and Exeter Nomads to earn their place in the final. The final went down to the wire with Totnes wining the Singles and Fours. Christow took a good win in the Pairs and drew the Triples. This gave Totnes 5 points and Christow 3. There were also 2 bonus points on offer for the highest shot tally, these went to Christow giving the same points as Totnes but with that all important shot difference. A great day and fantastic win for Christow. Well done team.

The wining Team

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Devon County AGM Information

On Saturday the Devon County AGM takes place at approximately 4:30 pm at ISCA once the County Tens has been played. The deadline for nominations for committee posts has now passed. The following nominations have been received:

Chairman – Trevor Tregillus
Vice Chairman – Eric Pavey
Secretary – Barrie Goodchild
Competition Secretary – Caroline Pavey
North Area Rep -Hilary Iley
East Area Rep – Brab Hallowes
South Area Rep – No Nominations Received
Committee Member (2 vacant positions as per Constitution)
Bill Crilly, Fred Oliver, Alan Gibb

Both the A Team and Premier Team Manager Positions are not up for election this season and have 1 and 2 seasons to run respectively.
At least two representatives from Christow will be required to delay their departure after the Tens competition finishes and attend the meeting.

Monday 1 April 2019

Buckfast Home Team Announced

The players selected to play against Buckfast have been announced and can be found on the Teignbridge League page. The match is scheduled for Wednesday 10th April. If you have been selected and are unable to play, please let Brad know as soon as possible. Contact details can be found on the same page.