Tuesday 21 December 2021

Christmas 2021

 Wishing all Christow bowlers a great Christmas and lots of successful ends for the New Year.

After a short break bowling will commence again on Wednesday 5th January, 2022.

Stay Safe and keep watching the blog for all updates.  

(Joke : Why couldn't Santa sell Ruldoph and Blitzen on eBay?
            Answer: Because they were two Deer.)     

Sunday 12 December 2021

Result of Friendly Match against Bere Alston on 12th December

On Sunday 12th December Christow played host to Bere Alston in a friendly competition. After 8 matches of 12 ends each the final score was:

Christow 108 shots. Bere Alston 68 shots.

Congratulations to all members.

Look forward to the next Friendly.

Friday 10 December 2021

Teams for Friendly Match against Bere Alston on Sunday 12th December

Please find below Teams for Sunday

Derek.              Tony.             Sue.             Linda.          Maureen. 
Tom.                 Marcus.        Allan.           Ralph.          Janet.
 Ian.                  Steve.           Sean.            Geoff.           Trevor.     

Club colours please 


We will follow Teignbridge format. Twelve ends before tea / Twelve ends after tea.
Trevor's team will sit out before tea.
One of the remaining teams will be asked to sit out after tea.

We are expecting twelve players from Bere Alston.
Please be at hall by 1.30pm 
As per  per latest Government mandate face masks / coverings to be worn please.
Exceptions being when seated to eat or drink.Exemptions will be understood.  

Thursday 2 December 2021

Results of recent Friendly Matches

Christow have now hosted and played away in a number of friendly matches.

Please see results below.

Home Matches

Christow  37 shots      Nomads  49. shots

Christow  52 shots     Abbotskerswell 34 shots

Away Matches  

Bere Alston 51 shots   Christow  67 shots

Well done to all members.

Next Match Bere Alston at home on 12th December.    

Sunday 28 November 2021

HO! HO! HO! Triples - Sunday 5th December 2021

 Just a reminder that Facebook contains a link for indicating that you would be interested in a buffet at ISCA next Sunday.

See entry on Facebok that begins   

"The Ho Ho Ho Triples is fast approaching. ISCA are planning on putting food on - perhaps a party style buffet - how many would be interested in eating in on that day to help with their numbers?" 

COVID-19: Omicron Variant - Rules for Keeping us all Safe

Ladies and Gents you will probably be aware of the changes from Tuesday, announced by the Prime Minister, to assist with our fight against the new Covid-19 Omicron variant.

See link below


Therefore please continue to sanitise your hands frequently at the stations in the Club and especially before and after each match. Also please wear a face covering when in close proximity to others exemptions being when sitting to eat or drink or when playing on a mat.

Thank you.

Friday 26 November 2021

Teams for Friendly Match against Bere Alston on Sunday 28th November 2021

Please see below teams for friendly match on Sunday against Bere Alston.

The competition will start at 2pm with Lunch from 1pm for those who wish to get there early and eat their sandwiches there.

Tom.       Steve.       Trevor.      Ian.
Janet       Ava.          Ralph.       Marcus 
Tony.      Linda.       Edwin.      Alan 

See you there.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

17th November friendly against Abbotskerswell

17th November friendly against Abbotskerswell

No later than 6.50 pm for 7.00 pm start. 

Before tea - 
Mat 1. Ralph Tom Geoff
Mat 2. Sue Ava Sean

After tea -
Mat 1. Derek Christine Trevor
Mat 2. Janet Steve Ian

Reserve. Edwin

Please remember a third mat is always available for a roll-up.

Sunday 31 October 2021

Upcoming Events

Please find details of upcoming events below. More information to be provided as it becomes available.
Looking forward to a great Autumn / Winter's bowling.

3rd November Friendly against Nomads 7.00 pm start. HOME
1. Alan. Tom. Steve. 
2. Maureen. Geoff. Sean. 
3. Edwin. Marcus. Ian.
4. Ava. Janet. Trevor.
Reserve. Ralph 
 A third mat will be provided for non team members

17th November Friendly against Abbotskerswell 7.00pm start. Home.
28th November Friendly against Bere Alston. AWAY lunch 1.00 pm start 2.00pm
12th December Friendly Against Bere Alston HOME lunch 1.00 pm start 2.00pm
Teams to be announced later

 22nd December. Party night and last bowling evening before Christmas.

5th January 2022 bowling resumes.

 Other events for New year:
 In house competitions.
 If conditions permit further Teignbridge league teams' Friendly matches.
 Open event for a chosen charity.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Margaret Elliott Pairs Competition - Saturday 9th October 2021

Two teams, Geoff & Sue and Steve & Marcus, travelled to ISCA on Saturday 9th October to take part in the Margaret Elliott Pairs Competition. Each pair had to play five matches initially. The top eight pairs then went through to the quarter finals.

Steve and Marcus were successful in their group and went through to the next stage. After semi final success they found themselves in the final against Goodleigh. Steve and Marcus eventually came out on top , winning by 9 shots to 5. 

Well done to James and Emma for organising and running the competition.

Thursday 24 June 2021

Last Bowling Sunday Summer 2021

Now the weather is improving its time to spend Sunday outside doing all those activities instead of short mat bowls like eating ice cream. With this in mind the last Sunday for bowls this Summer will be 11th July.

Bowling will then be scheduled every Wednesday only until the 25th August. After which we will be back to bowling twice a week again.

Have a great Summer. No more than two ice creams at a time.  

Stay safe.


Tuesday 15 June 2021

Christow SMBC AGM - Wednesday 23rd June.

 Just to let everyone know that this year's Christow SMBC AGM is on the 23rd June.

See you there at 7pm.

Monday 10 May 2021

Return of Short Mat Bowls at Christow on 19th May

Good Evening. Firstly hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Following a no. of calls, discussion and latest Government guidance we are able to begin bowling again.

Bowls will begin on Wednesday May 19th at 7 p.m. The hall has been booked for each Sunday and Wednesday until July 11th. Then every Wednesday only until August 25th. The finishing time on each occasion will be 9 pm.

We will adopt the same process as before.

If you would like to play bowls on Wednesday 19th please complete and submit a request form, as normal, via the link below.


The cut off time for submission is Monday 17th 6pm.

Look forward to seeing you all again soon.