Monday 13 November 2023

Bishopsteignton v Christow - Teignbridge League 2023/24 - Review

Christow travelled to Bishopsteignton to take on not only their team but also the village floor!!!

The parking could be added to the above too!

The match itself was somewhat scrappy due the aforementioned flooring but a good night was enjoyed by all nonetheless.

Before tea Christow scrapped two narrow wins, by the same score,11 shots to 10.

After tea is was a relatively one-side affair on mat 2 with Bishopsteignton winning 13-3

On mat 1 Christow pulled back a 7 shot deficit, by winning the final 4 ends, to earn a 10 shots all draw.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 11

Mat 2 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 11

After Tea

Mat 1 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 10

Mat 2 - Bishopsteignton 13 Christow 3


Bishopsteignton 43 Christow 35

So, Christow only gained a disappointing 5 points and now move on to play away at Exminster on December 10th 2024 (19:30 start)

Thursday 9 November 2023

Christow v Exminster - Teignbridge League 23/24 - Review

The long awaited return to league bowling arrived last night when Christow SMBC entertained Exminster in the first Teignbridge League match of the new season.

Christow were fully in control before tea winning on both mats.

After tea the matches were much tighter, and although Christow came out on top on mat 1 it was not to be on mat 2.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 17 Exminster 7

Mat 2 - Christow 14 Exminster 5

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 12 Exminster 6

Mat 2 - Christow 6 Exminster 15


Christow 49 Exminster 33

So, Christow gained a valuable 8 points and now move on to play Bishopsteignton, away, on Sunday November 12