Monday 16 October 2017

Exeter League Result for Christow A

Last night (15th October) Sean, Geoff & Steve from Christow A met Val. Pam & Marie from Wonford B. Christow elected to play on our slow mat and managed build up a good lead of 12 shots to Wonfords 0 after 8 ends. Wonford started to scoring as they picked up the mat. Christow held on the their lead and finished with a good win. I Well done Christow. I forget the final score....sorry!
There are two more matched this week with Christow A away to Broadclyst A and Christow B home to Broadclyst B. Good luck to all who are playing.


  1. And Christow C on Sunday! 😊

  2. The epic performance probably captivated you more than the result,which by the way was 17-9 to Christow.
