Monday 28 January 2019

Jurassic Bowls - Trippples Tournament 03 Feb 19

Organisers of the above competition have received a couple of team withdrawals from the tournament. Naturally this leaves an in-balance in the groupings. Whilst they will overcome the dilemma it would be good if clubs could help by getting some of their bowlers to enter a late team.
The main details are :-
Triples Sunday 03 Feb 19
Entry £7.00 per player. Morning - Bacon Butties / coffee from 08.30am.
Lunch - Baguette with filling Egg / Cheese / Ham £ 4.50
- Soup - Pea & Ham with white / granary bread £4.50
- Quality fish cakes Salmon / Mackerel with vegetables £5.50
Afternoon - tea & cake.
If you are interested in entering a team, let me know and I will forward you the contact details.

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