Thursday 28 February 2019

Christow v Exminster Report (Teignbridge League)

12 players from Exminster visited Christow last night to meet 12 from Christow in the Teignbridge League. The first two matches before the tea break were won by Christow. The game on mat 1 was dominated by Christow and produced a very healthy shot difference. Mat 2 had a tighter battle until the final few ends where Christow pulled ahead enough to win the game. The format of the game on mat 2 was continued on both mats after tea with very close games. Christow again just tipped the balance on the final couple of ends. Christow took all 10 points on the night. Well done to all players and thank you to Exminster for a nice friendly game of bowls.

Before Tea
Mat 1   Ava, Tom, Steve             20 - 5
Mat 2. Ralph, Trevor, Neil          13 - 6
After tea
Mat 1  Edwin, Sean, Geoff        13 - 11
Mat 2  Brad, Mary, Jim               11 - 9

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Christow A v Silverton B Result

Last night Christow A played Silverton B away Tom Trevor and Steve had a good match on a very slow mat. For the first 10 ends there was only one shot between the two teams. Christow then pulled away to win the match 19 - 10.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Christow B v Nomads A in Knockout Cup

Last night Edwin, Sean and Geoff (Christow B) made the journey to Clyst St Mary where they met Martin Connabeer, Sue Young and Rob Phipps (Nomads A) in the Semi-Finals of the Knockout Cup, run by the Exeter League. Christow started by taking 3 shots on the first end, they repeated this on ends 3 and 5 which put them in a commanding position. Nomads could not pick up more than 1 or 2 shots when they did score until ends 9 and 10 where they increased their score by 5 shots. Christow  held on to their lead and were 12 shots to 9 ahead. Both teams over the remaining ends managed to increase their score by 4 shots each, with Nomads picking up theirs on the final end. Christow won the game 16 - 13. Well done to them, what a great result. They will be off to a neutral venue to meet Wonford A in the Final. Wonford beat Silverton A last night 19 - 9.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Teams Announced for Exminster Home Match

The Teignbridge League page has been updated with details of the teams that will be playing against Exminster on 27th February.

Sunday 17 February 2019

John Warman Charity Tournament at South Brent

Two teams from Christow and other members playing for Moretonhampstead enjoyed the above fours tournament at south Brent S.M.B.C today. Twelve teams of 4 players played 3 games over 8 ends or 50 minutes. Lunch was available if required with a choice of soup and roll, selection of sandwiches and desserts. The competition was won by Bow with Totnes Creameries finishing as runners up. Well done to them and to South Brent for organising a very friendly and competitive day of bowls.

Wonford Triples Date Amendment

The date given on a previous post was incorrect. The correct date for their Triples tournament is Saturday 6th April. Apologies for the confusion.

Friday 15 February 2019

Teignbridge League Table Updated

The League table has been updated in the lower section of the Teignbridge League page. Abbots are top of the table and have a 11 shot advantage over Christow. Bishopsteignton are 20 points behind Christow with 3 games in hand over Abbots. Christow have 3 home matches left to play (Exminster, Kingsteignton & Buckfast) and Abbots will finish their season playing 2 away matches (Bishops & Exmintster).

Thursday 14 February 2019

Christow v Exminster Team Announced

Players selected to play against Exminster on 27th February have been added to the Teignbridge League page. Any problems please let Brad know.

Teams Needed for Wonford Triples

There are still 8 places to fill for the Wonford Triples Tournament on 6th April. Please contact Shirley Parnell if you are interested in entering a team.

Christow v Abbots Report (Teignbridge League)

Abbotskerswell visited Christow last night to do battle in the Teignbridge League. Christow were victorious on the night taking 8 of the 10 points that were up for grabs. The games on Mat 1 before tea and Mat 2 after were both very close. Christow on Mat 2 picked up 3 shots on the final end to win the game by 1 shot. The other two games played that evening were nearly the exact opposites of each other, with big wins for each club. At least the shot advantage gained by Abbots on Mat 2 was totally cancelled out by Christow on Mat 1. The result last night put Christow 11 points behind Abbotskerswell with a game in hand and 3 home matches to play.

Before Tea
Mat 1 Ralph, Trevor, Ian            13 - 7
Mat 2. Janet, Brad, Neil              3 - 22
After tea
Mat 1  Edwin, Sean, Geoff         24 - 5
Mat 2  Chloe, Mary, Jim             12 - 11

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Teignbridge League Page updated

Information regarding team changes for tomorrow nights match against Abbotskerswell can be found on the Teignbridge League page. Also please note that the match against Buckfast has been rescheduled from the 20th March to 3rd April. This is due to the lack of information regarding the closure of the Teign Valley road scheduled during 18th - 22nd March.

Teignbridge League Meeting Report

Last night at Buckfast Village Hall a meeting was held by the Teignbridge League. Proceedings got under way at 7.30 with representative from all clubs in attendance. From matters arising after the minutes were read by Derek Wyatt (Secretary), Ideford informed the meeting that they are considering an amalgamation of their club with Buckland. This will help Ideford with their lack of players and give the Buckland players the opportunity to play in the League. Mark Webber (Chairman) on behalf of Abbotskerswell was presented with the engraved trophy for wining the Teignbridge League Pairs in November. Team numbers from all clubs were confirmed for the rescheduled Teighnbridge League Fours at Christow on March 16th. Rowcroft is the chosen charity for the event and the format will be the same as the Pairs with 2 matches before a break for a cream tea, followed by a final match. The meeting closed around 8.30pm. The next meeting will be held at the same venue on Monday 29th April.

Monday 11 February 2019

Reserve Team for West Hill Tournament

West Hill are holding a triples tournament on Saturday 1st June. Christow have entered one team. The organisers have contacted Tom to see if Christow could put in a reserve team. We have a very good record at this tournament and have walked away with the trophy on quite a few occasions. Please let Tom know if you are interested in making up a team.

Friday 8 February 2019

Christow v Kingsteignton Report (Teignbridge League)

12 players from Christow with support from other members, visited Kingsteignton last night for another Teignbridge League match. It is never an easy venue to play at and last night was no exception. The matches were all closely fought, unfortunately Christow were only able to defeat Kingsteignton on one out of the four matches. (See results below). Abbots at the moment are 17 points ahead of Christow in the League table, but we do have a game in hand. Kingsteignton are only 19 points behind Christow and have 2 games in hand over Abbots. A good result for us on Wednesday against Abbots at home is needed. No pressure!!

Before Tea
Mat 1  Maureen, Edwin, Neil    11 - 6
Mat 2. Ava, Chloe, Jim              8 - 11
After tea
Mat 1  Janet, Ralph, Brad         7 - 13
Mat 2  Beryl, Sean, Trevor        7 - 13

Christow B v Broadclyst A Result

On Wednesday evening Christow B (Janet, Chris & Edwin) travelled to Broadclyst to play their 12th match in this seasons Exeter League competition. This was the only match being played on the evening and it appeared to the Christow players that the mat was not put in its normal position. Broadclyst B (Margaret, Alan & Janet Cuff) only managed to score on 4 ends during the game as they struggled with the mat. Christow on the other hand relaxed into some steady scoring and won the match with a convincing score  25 - 6. Well done to Christow, great result.

Thursday 7 February 2019

No Bowls Sunday 7th April

There will be NO club night on Sunday 7th April. This is due to the hall being required for an event.

Statement from Mary

I will be stepping down from my role as treasurer at the end of this season. I have been treasurer for nearly 10 years and found it an enjoyable experience that made me feel a valued member of the club. I have taken the decision due to health reasons, mainly my eyesight, which is not what it used to be and I am now struggling to carry out my duties. I will be on hand to assist the new treasurer until they are comfortable in their new role.

Sunday 3 February 2019

County Under 18's and Mixed Fours

Ava Cattell finished as runner up in yesterdays County Under 18's at ISCA. She met Benny Bass in the final. Well done Ava.  Wonford Fours of Richard Williams, Benny Bass, Marie Toleman and Pam Toleman won National Mixed Fours with Totnes second and Winkleigh third.

Ava receiving Trophy from Caroline Pavey

Premier Team Withdraw from Rinks Finals

The Devon County Committee have decided to withdraw the Premier team from the ICC Rinks final in April. A letter has been sent to the ESMBA to inform them of this decision and the reasons why we feel we have had to take this course of action.
(Information from Devon County Website)

Friday 1 February 2019

National Allocations Announced

Devon have received their allocations for the National Finals which are held in March and April. Devon have received 4 places in the Singles, Pairs, Triples, Fours and Over 55 Pairs. In the Mixed Fours Devon have been allocated 3 places. A concern for the sport, the Under 18's numbers are down with only 16 players competing in the finals and Devon have two of these places.
The Under 18’s final takes place at Daventry on the 16th March. The Mixed Fours and the Over 55’s take place at Daventry on the weekend of the 30th/31st March. The remaining Nationals takes place from the 11th April at Melton Mowbray.
(Information from Devon County Website).