Tuesday 12 February 2019

Teignbridge League Meeting Report

Last night at Buckfast Village Hall a meeting was held by the Teignbridge League. Proceedings got under way at 7.30 with representative from all clubs in attendance. From matters arising after the minutes were read by Derek Wyatt (Secretary), Ideford informed the meeting that they are considering an amalgamation of their club with Buckland. This will help Ideford with their lack of players and give the Buckland players the opportunity to play in the League. Mark Webber (Chairman) on behalf of Abbotskerswell was presented with the engraved trophy for wining the Teignbridge League Pairs in November. Team numbers from all clubs were confirmed for the rescheduled Teighnbridge League Fours at Christow on March 16th. Rowcroft is the chosen charity for the event and the format will be the same as the Pairs with 2 matches before a break for a cream tea, followed by a final match. The meeting closed around 8.30pm. The next meeting will be held at the same venue on Monday 29th April.

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