Wednesday 20 March 2019

Silverton A, Lose their Impressive 100% Winning Record

Last evening (Tuesday) Christow 'A' travelled to Silverton to take on their 'A' team.
The first few ends went as expected with Silverton building a lead  7-3 after six ends but Christow hung in there winning the seventh by one shot. This was the impetus we needed, winning the next five ends. Silverton won the twelfth end by two shots, at this stage the score was 9-9. Christow then changed up a gear winning the last three ends. Final score 15-9!
It was a competitive and exciting match played in the true traditions of short mat bowls.
Finally on behalf of Christow can I congratulate Silverton 'A' who will be the league champions
this season......Trevor

Teams: Silverton. The Gooding family
             Christow.   Andrew. Trevor. Steve

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