Tuesday 15 October 2019

Christow Short Mat bowls Club Club Singles Competition 2019/2020

The singles competition is ready to start.

We have 14 entrants so that will mean 91 games in total with every player playing 13 games.

Usual ESMBA rules apply except:

  • 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw 
  • A Jack-off-the-mat scenario is “end played” 2 shots awarded to opponent
  • 10 ends with no time limit
  • All 10 ends to be played
  • Marker to complete the scorecard which should be agreed by each player as being true and correct 
  • Toss for jack 

It will be up to the competitors to be proactive and arrange with each other when to participate in matches, and a full updated list of outstanding fixtures will be available via the blog and on the notice board. It may be an idea, during the early stages, to play in groups of 3, deciding on which mat to use, allowing each individual to play two games and mark one.

Prepared scorecards are available and will be kept in the cage. The Rink number on each scorecard will relate to the fixture number that you’ll find in the Fixtures & Results sheets

There will be a main trophy plus trophies to keep for both the winner and runner-up!

Updated tables will be made available via the blog and also pinned to the club notice board during the course of the competition.

Please return completed scorecards to Ian.



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