Thursday 21 November 2019

Teignbridge League - Christow Vs Bishopsteignton

On Wednesday 20th November Christow played Bishopsteignton at home in the Teignbridge League.
After two sessions the results were as follows:

Mat 1.  Christow 12 shots   Bishops 12 shots.  
Mat 2.  Christow 17 shots.  Bishops 3  shots.
Mat 1.   Christow  8 shots.  Bishops 16 shots.
Mat 2.   Christow 12 shots. Bishops  8 shots.

Home total shots 49.        Away total shots 39.
Home mat points   5.        Away mat points.   3.
Home total points. 7.        Away total points.   3.

Congratulations to Christow. 

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