Tuesday 14 July 2020

Short Mat Bowls Returns to Christow

Good Evening.  Hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Here is the news that you have all been waiting for. After many months of missing your favourite sport we are now in a position to announce that Short Mat Bowls will again be able to be played albeit with some changes.

So dust off your bowls, retrieve your cloth from the dog, as their favourite new toy and stop using your measure for those DIY jobs.

The hall will be open from Wednesday 5th August, based on current Government advice, for those evening roll-ups.
The changes to keep us all safe will be that only four people will be allowed on each mat, with four mats in play equally spaced.
Hands to be sanitised through washing or hand sanitiser before and after each match.
Face coverings or masks will need to be worn please.

We will not be using the kitchen so please bring your own drinks.

For more information please see Government advice on return to recreational sport at


Also guidance on safe use of community halls at


Looking forward very much to seeing you soon.

Note for your diary: Sunday evening roll-ups to begin again on 6th September.


  1. The Government and Esmba have not given authorisation for indoor bowls .....
    The latest information from the Government is September/October at the earliest .so you will be breaking current law if you proceed

  2. I do no think we need specific names of activities to recommence bowls! The ESMBA will govern when competitions can return etc and should have no jurisdiction on clubs returning.
    If gyms can reopen on August 1st so can village halls, and the links above offer clarity.
