Thursday 20 January 2022

Dates for your Diary

Sunday 30th January

Home match against Totnes Creameries
Start time 2.00pm. Please arrive before 1.45 pm 
Club kit please
In House pairs competition
Preliminary round 2nd February & finals 9th February
Club kit please
Please arrive before 6.50 pm

Wednesday 16th February
Away match against Totnes Creameries
Start time 7.00pm transport to be a arranged
Club kit please

Sunday 27th March
Bere Alston tournament two teams of four
Team members Claire,Janet,Steve,Ian,Tom, Geoff, Sean and Tony.
Entry fee £5.00 per person
Lunch available at £4.00 per item
Pasty, Veg soup & bread roll,
Filled baguette choices. Cheese,tuna or Ham.
Trevor requests payment on or before Wednesday 26th  January

Many Thanks.

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