Wednesday 23 February 2022

Friendly Away Match against Abbotskerswell

Friendly Away Match against Abbotskerswell now scheduled for 14th March.

See you there at 7pm.

Monday 21 February 2022

Christow Community Hall unavailable for Bowls: 27th March - 3rd April

 Just to let all members know as the hall is booked for other purposes there will be no bowling at Christow from Sunday 27th March to Sunday 3rd April inclusive. 

No Bowls at Christow on Wednesday 23rd February - Totnes Friendly Match Away

 As a significant no. of Christow members are involved in the away match with Totnes on 23rd February our hall booking at Christow for that evening has been cancelled.   

Sunday 13 February 2022

Totnes Friendly Match 16th February - Re-scheduled

 Ladies and Gents,

Just to let you know that after discussion with Totnes our Friendly match with them has been re-scheduled to the 23rd.

Hopefully Edwin will be feeling better then and well enough to join us.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Totnes Friendly Match - January 30th - Results

Christow played host to Totnes Creameries on Sunday January 30th for a friendly match.


Held over 2 sessions of 4 triples, either side of tea, the game overall was a closely fought affair.


Christow had the upper hand in the first session, winning 2 games, losing one, with one game drawn. Overall points for the first session were Christow 41 – Totnes 36.


Christow lost momentum after tea going down 3 to 1 in games, with the overall points of Christow 42 -  Totnes 48.


Over both sessions, Totnes won on points by a single shot…. 83 – 84 in their favour.


An enjoyable afternoon, with the away match to look forward to on Wednesday February 16th (see separate post below).