Tuesday 1 February 2022

Totnes Friendly Match - January 30th - Results

Christow played host to Totnes Creameries on Sunday January 30th for a friendly match.


Held over 2 sessions of 4 triples, either side of tea, the game overall was a closely fought affair.


Christow had the upper hand in the first session, winning 2 games, losing one, with one game drawn. Overall points for the first session were Christow 41 – Totnes 36.


Christow lost momentum after tea going down 3 to 1 in games, with the overall points of Christow 42 -  Totnes 48.


Over both sessions, Totnes won on points by a single shot…. 83 – 84 in their favour.


An enjoyable afternoon, with the away match to look forward to on Wednesday February 16th (see separate post below).

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