Tuesday 15 November 2022

Teignbridge League - Away to Buckfastleigh - RESULT

It was not the best of starts to Christow's delayed start to the 2022/23 Teignbridge league (our first league fixture for 3 years)

The format remains the same with 2 triples before tea and 2 after.

Tom had to quickly rearrange the playing order due to a couple of players getting lost en-route!!!!

The 2 games before tea ended up even. On mat 1 Christow came out on top winning 17-5 while the other mat was not such good news as Christow lost 16-7.

After tea it seemed as though Christow has taken their foot of the pedal losing on mat 1 by 12 points to 4. On mat 2 the game was pretty close all the way and it came down to the last end. Christow were trailing by a single point but managed to pick up 2 points to win 11-10.

To summarise....

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 17 Buckfastleigh 5

Mat 2 - Christow 7 Buckfastleigh 16

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 4 Buckfastleigh 12

Mat 2 - Christow 11 Buckfastleigh 10


Christow 39 Buckfastleigh 43

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