Monday 5 December 2022

Christow v Buckland - Review

It was a pleasure to finally see Buckland taking part in league matches.

Christow picked up another 10 points and came out well on top when they welcomed Buckland to the hall last night.

It was a clean sweep for Christow in all 4 games.

Before tea, the theme for the evening was set with a 15-5 win on mat 1 and a 12-5 win on mat 2.

After tea Christow strengthened their position winning 19-6 on mat 1 and 20-6 on mat 2

To summarise....

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 15 Buckland 5

Mat 2 - Christow 12 Buckland 5

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 19 Buckland 6

Mat 2 - Christow 20 Buckland 6


Christow 66 Buckland 22

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