Wednesday 11 January 2017

Teignbridge League Match against Ideford

Ideford 0 -  Christow 10     Shots: 26 to 60
Last night (10th January) we played the away leg against Ideford in the Teignbridge League. Thank you to the Ideford players who made us very welcome as usual. Both matches played on mat 2 were dominated by Christow with Tom, Carol & Derek winning 12 shots to 5 and  Jim, Brad & Edwin by 21 shots to 5. Mat 1 was not so straightforward, both teams had challenging matches, Geoff, Steve & Janet lead by a couple of shots from the 4th end and after a dead end and jack off the mat managed to pick up another 5 in the last 3 ends finishing with 10 shots to 3. Neil, Chris & Mary struggled with the mat and by end 9 were 13 - 7 down. The last 3 ends were a different matter where Christow managed to tame the mat and pick up 10 shots to win 17 - 13. A good result for Christow at a very tricky venue.

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