Sunday 19 November 2017

Teign Valley Triples Report

Today saw the Teign Valley Charity Triples take place at The Teign Valley Community Centre in Christow. The event was run by Christow S.M.B.C with Mark Allen at the helm and support from his fellow Christow bowlers.

The Charity chosen was The Ricky Grant / Turner Ward Trust at Torbay Hospital. Georgina Cleave and her family have recieved wonderful support from the trust over the last 8 months in helping her fight Cancer. Two days ago Georgina was given the wonderful news that she is now all clear.

The days bowling got under way at 9.05 with the first group of 8 teams  playing 10 ends with 2 woods each over 45 minutes. After the buzzer sounded and the call for no more jacks it was the turn of the remainig 8 teams to get their challenge under way. Each group played four games in the round robin stage with a break for lunch. The winners from each group met in a final match over 10 ends with no time limit to find the overall winners. Derek was on umpire duties throughout the competition.

Various events were also held on the day to help raise as much money as possible for Georgina's charity. Carol ran the raffle which raised £225 due to the large amount of generous donated prizes on offer. Also Trevor organised an auction of prizes donated by local businesses (see list below) and club members. This raised another £200 for charity. Another £30 was raised by running a 2 Mat Challenge which was 50p a go and the winner was the owner of the bowl nearest the jack. After this Edwin Cleave (Chairman) made a presentation speech which outlined Georgies ordeal and informed her of the amount of money that had been raised so far.

  • The Walled Garden in Dunsford.......Lunch voucher for 2.
  • Bridford Inn......Bottle of Champagne.
  • White Horse Motors, Tedburn St Mary...Izusu Jacket, Hat & Umbrella.
  • Landrover, Matford Exeter.......Bag of Land rover goodies, Hat, T-Shirt, Pen etc.
  • Teign Valley Golf Club.....2 Rounds of Golf.
  • Mole Valley Farmers......£30 worth of vouchers.
  • Ugbrook Estate.....2 Brace of Pheasant.

There was an endless supply of food and drink on offer during the day which started with bacon rolls which were very popular with arriving bowlers on this chilly morning. Sue, Jeanette, Maureen, Beryl, Geoff and Steve in his pinny worked tirlessly preparing lunches and suppling their customers with tea, coffees, cakes etc and cordinating the 2 lunch sittings. (Sorry if I missed anyone else in the kitchen). 
An amazing £265 was raised by the Kitchen which made the total raised for the day including Players Fees, Raffle, Auction, 2 Mat Challenge and generous cash donations on the day from parcipitating bowlers of.....


The final of the competition was played between Group A winners Abbotskerswell B and Group B winners Wonford. The match started with Wonford dominating play and pulling out an 8 shot to 0 lead. Abbotskerswell managed to pull back that lead to 7 shots to Wonfords 8. Wonford scored on all but the final end from then on and went into the final end with a 13 to 7 shot lead over their apponents. Abbotskerswell managed to score on the final end but not by enough and consceded the win to Wonford. Well done to Maggie, Shirley & John.

Wonford recieving their winners trophies and the Teign Valley Tripples Shield from Georgina.

Abbotskerswell B recieving their runners up trophies from Georgina.

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