Thursday 7 December 2017

Exeter League Result for Christow B

Last night Christow 'B' (Derek, Chris & Neil) met Silverton 'A' (Danny, Michele & Jack Gooding) at Christow for their next match in the Exeter League. Christow started the strongest of the 2 teams and by end 7 were 12 shots to 1 ahead. Silverton swapped their number 1 and skip around (Danny & Jack) which proved to be a good move as they then started to score and by the 13th end were only 4 shots behind. Christow did not allow them to get any closer and won the game 15 - 11. Well done Christow 'B'. Also congratulations go to Christow 'A' who also won against Silverton. Theirs being an away match on Tuesday against Silverton's 'B' team.

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