Thursday 7 December 2017

Ideford Home Match Report

It was a busy night at Christow last night with an Exeter League match being played and also Ideford S.M.B.C. were visiting to play the next mach in the Teignbridge League calender. Before tea the match on Mat 1 (new fast mat) was won by Ideford. The match being played on Mat 2 (by the windows) was dominated from the start by Christow and saw then take a very good win. After tea this trend continued with Christow winning comfortably on both mats. Final scores on the night were Christow 8 Ideford 2. Christow picked up the 2 bonus points.
Session 1.
Mat 1 - Christow 7 Ideford 11        Mat 2 - Christow 22 Ideford 6
Session 2.
Mat 1 - Christow 31 Ideford 2        Mat 2 - Christow 18 Ideford 10
Well done to all involved, great result.

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