Thursday 8 February 2018

Exeter League Results for Christow B & C

Last night Christow 'B' were away to Broadclyst 'B' and Christow 'C' home to Silverton 'B'. Christow 'B' (Maureen, Chris & Derek) played against Janet, Marion and Margaret for Broadclyst and were in the frame for 10 ends. At end 8 we were 7-5 up ; end 9  8-7 down and end 10 10-7 down. From there on Broadclyst nailed it and the wheels came off our trolley. It was a good night and all credit to the ladies of Broadclyst who deserved to win....Derek.
Christow 'C' (Ava, Ian & Brad) had a tight game and looked from the start that the game was going to go down to the final end, and that was the case. Christow took one shot on what was a tense final end and won the match by 3 shots. Well done Christow.

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