Tuesday 4 December 2018

Christow v Buckfast Match Report (Teignbridge League)

Last night 12 Christow players travelled to Buckfastleigh to play our 4th match in the Teignbridge League. The first two matches were underway just before 7.30pm. Tom's team on Mat 1 had a tight game and were just one shot behind on the 10th end, loosing 4 shots to buckfast on the 11th end proved too much to recover from. Ian and his team on Mat 2 were in total control of their destiny from the start and with a score of 15 - 2 by the 10th end were in a great position and finished the match by picking up a further 5 shots on the final end. After tea Neil's team played on Mat 1. Getting off to a steady start with a 5 shot advantage by the 5th end, Buckfast pulled back to level the score at 8 shots each by end 9. Christow managed to score a further 6 to Backfasts 1 over the final 3 ends. The remaining match on Mat 2 saw Trevor and his team in what turned out to be a tight battle after leading the way with a 6th shot advantage by the 6th end. Buckfast levelled the score by the 9th end and took the lead to go into the final end with a 2 shot advantage. Christow were holding 4 shots with one more bowl remaining from Buckfasts skip, he managed to take second shot preventing Christow holding on to the shots they needed.
The bonus points went to Christow and the final score was 6 - 4 to Christow (same result as last year).
Before Tea
Mat 1  Ralph, Edwin, Tom        7 - 13
Mat 2. Chloe, Brad, Ian          20 - 5
After tea
Mat 1  Mary, Geoff, Neil         14 - 9
Mat 2  Ava, Sean, Trevor       12 - 13

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