Friday 10 May 2019

Exeter League AGM Report

The AGM for the Exeter League was held last night at St Thomas Cricket Club in Exeter. The attendance was very poor, with only 11 people in total representing 4 Clubs. The clubs were Chistow, Exeter Nomads, Silverton and Wonford. The meeting got underway at 8.00pm and was Chaired by Richard Ivings (Nomads), Rob Gayton was also present in his dual role as Secretary and Treasurer. Silverton A were congratulated for wining Division 1 along with Wonford A for there success in the Knockout Cup. The fees for next season will remains the same at £10.00 per team and £2.00 per registered player. The Knockout Cup will also stay at £2.50 per team. Wonford were requested to supply a Chairman for next season, Christow also need to fill the role of Vice Chairman. Wonford will notify Rob in due course, this will follow a meeting in June over the future of  the clubs current venue. After the meeting finished the trophies and prize money was presented by Richard to Division 1 Winners Silverton A and runners up Wonford A. Knockout Cup winners Wonford A and runners up Christow B.

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