Thursday 16 May 2019

Key Points from AGM....Please Read

Christow Indoor Sports Club & Bowls Club held their AGM last night, which was followed by a buffet to celebrate our wining of the Teignbridge League this year. Attendance was good, it was nice to see four members of the Badminton club represented as well.
Below are some key points from the meeting, some requiring further action!

  • New Treasurer - Steve has taken on the role as Treasurer after Mary's resignation.

  • New Secretary - No Secretary was elected last night to replace Neil who is taking a break from bowls. Trevor offered and was elected to register the players for next season, which will give players the opportunity to play in County and other competitions.

  • Teignbridge League Captain - Brad was elected with Jim as Vice Captain. Both will work closely together next season.

  • Club Night Selector - Jim has taken on this role for next season.

  • Club Competitions Secretary - Ian was elected to this position.

  • TVCH Appointee - Rob Hill from the Badminton club was elected to fill this role.

  • Refurbished Jacks - Six refurbished jacks will be purchased from Ottery St Mary at a cost of £30 each.

  • County/National Entries - Trevor initially offered to collate all the entries for next seasons County/National competitions. On reflection it was one job to many with his other commitments to Devon County. All players wishing to play in next seasons completions, please arrange your teams and download any forms you require from the Devon Website or by clicking here. Also entry into the County Championships (Tens) will need to be completed on behalf of the club.

  • BLOG - No one came forward to take on the job of keeping the Blog up to date. So far this has been done by the Secretary. Marcus was suggested and is to be approached on the matter.

  • Date of next AGM - The date for the next AGM is Wednesday 13th May 2020.

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