Sunday 29 September 2019

Extracts From The Devon County Committee Meeting 24th September 2019 - Ho Ho Ho

The County/National under 18s competition will now take place in the afternoon of the 10th November, this has allowed the committee to organise a 2 wood triples tournament on the 15th of December. Dress will be very relaxed but we would hope to see lots of seasonal costumes! There could well be prizes for the best dressed team but beware ESMBA rules state no animals such as reindeers  are allowed on the mats. Ho Ho Ho! The cost is just £20.00 per team.The winning team will receive a Christmas hamper.
Entry forms will be on the website very soon.

The committee have decided to drop the Area Challenge (February 9th 2020) as it is felt that this event isn't fulfilling it's objectives but fear not we have decided to organise a Chairman's open competition. More details very soon.

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