Saturday 7 September 2019

Margaret Elliot Pairs

On Saturday 7th September two teams from Christow took part in the Margaret Elliot Pairs competition at ISCA.

Teams were Sue & Geoff and Steve & Marcus.

Steve & Marcus and Sue & Geoff were successful in their matches in the morning and went through to the Cup competition in the afternoon.

In the cup competition Steve & Marcus played John & Rita from Bow and lost by one shot.

Sue & Geoff won their match and went through to the Semi Final where they faced Barry and Richard from Nomads. They lead up to the last two ends after which Barry and Richard went ahead.

Eventual winners were:


George & Tony Main who beat Barry & Richard.


Sharon & Charlie from Wick who overcame Jenny & Lynne from Colebrook.

Well done to the teams from Christow. A great day's bowling was had by all.
Look forward to Next Year.

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