Monday 13 November 2023

Bishopsteignton v Christow - Teignbridge League 2023/24 - Review

Christow travelled to Bishopsteignton to take on not only their team but also the village floor!!!

The parking could be added to the above too!

The match itself was somewhat scrappy due the aforementioned flooring but a good night was enjoyed by all nonetheless.

Before tea Christow scrapped two narrow wins, by the same score,11 shots to 10.

After tea is was a relatively one-side affair on mat 2 with Bishopsteignton winning 13-3

On mat 1 Christow pulled back a 7 shot deficit, by winning the final 4 ends, to earn a 10 shots all draw.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 11

Mat 2 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 11

After Tea

Mat 1 - Bishopsteignton 10 Christow 10

Mat 2 - Bishopsteignton 13 Christow 3


Bishopsteignton 43 Christow 35

So, Christow only gained a disappointing 5 points and now move on to play away at Exminster on December 10th 2024 (19:30 start)

Thursday 9 November 2023

Christow v Exminster - Teignbridge League 23/24 - Review

The long awaited return to league bowling arrived last night when Christow SMBC entertained Exminster in the first Teignbridge League match of the new season.

Christow were fully in control before tea winning on both mats.

After tea the matches were much tighter, and although Christow came out on top on mat 1 it was not to be on mat 2.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 17 Exminster 7

Mat 2 - Christow 14 Exminster 5

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 12 Exminster 6

Mat 2 - Christow 6 Exminster 15


Christow 49 Exminster 33

So, Christow gained a valuable 8 points and now move on to play Bishopsteignton, away, on Sunday November 12

Sunday 20 August 2023

Bowls Returns!!

Bowling will recommence at the TVCH on Wednesday August 23rd 2023.

The usual start time of 7pm applies, but please arrive by 6:50pm.

Also, Sunday bowls will restart on the first Sunday in September, which this year will be September 3rd. Again the 7pm start time applies, but please arrive by 6:50pm.

Monday 3 July 2023

The Christow 3-Wood Pairs - Review

A great day's bowling at the inaugural 3-Wood Pairs at Christow. 

Each team played 5 matches at the group stage.The top team from each group then went through to play in the semi finals.

In the semi finals:

John Parnell (Abbotskerswell) played Marie Toleman (Nomads); Nomads coming through to win.

Lorraine Axtell (Winkleigh) played John Dennett (Bere Alston); Winkleigh winning the match.

Winkleigh then took on Nomads in the final.

Lorraine Axtell and Graham James (Winkleigh) secured the match and the competition win. Congratulations to them.

(Pictures to follow) 

Thank you to everyone who helped make the day a success.

Looking forward to next year!

Friday 23 June 2023

New Devon County Venue

Please click the link below for the hot news on Devon County's new venue.


Christow Community Hall Closure

The Insulation work on the Community Hall is due to commence next month, starting on July 20th and finishing on August 17th.

As it stands, the last Wednesday evening's bowls will be on July 19th with bowls recommencing on Wednesday August 23rd.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

Summer Bowls Evenings at Christow

This Sunday, May 28th, will be the last Sunday evening session until the first Sunday in September.

Wednesdays will continue as usual.

To summarise:

May 28th 2023 - last Sunday evening session for the Summer

September 3rd 2023 - Sunday evening sessions recommence

Wednesdays - Evening sessions continue as usual.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

The Christow SMBC AGM - Wednesday May 17th 2023

Just a quick reminder that the Christow AGM is tomorrow night, commencing at 7pm

The agenda is below.



1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of the last meeting held on 18th May 2022

4. Matters Arising

-Involvement of schools

5. Chairman's report

- Highs and lows of 2022/2023

- Proposed pairs competition 2/7/23

6. Secretary’s report

- Correspondence received, future use of Isca

7. Treasurer’s report

- Accounts

- Triples competitions, profit and distribution of funds

- Club sessions and future proposals

- Fees, future proposals for annual membership fees and session charges

8. Competition Sec.’s reports

- Triples competitions, review

- Club competitions, future proposals and prizes

9. Safeguarding officer

- Update and proposals for membership forms

10. Teignbridge league captain’s report

- Review of league and competitions in 2022/2023

11. Election of Officers/ Committee members

- Chairman

- Secretary

- Treasurer

- Competition Secretary

- Safeguarding Officer

- Teignbridge League Captain

12. Other positions

- Club night selector

- TVCH appointee

- Publicity Secretary

- Catering manager

13. Any Other Business

- TVCH - progress of review

- Coaching

- Repair of equipment

14. Date of next meeting

Monday 24 April 2023

The Christow Invite Triples 2023 - Review

Sixteen teams from 4 clubs, comprising of 48 players enjoyed a full day of short-mat bowls at the Teign Valley Community Hall on Sunday April 23rd 2023.

The day was spent in good spirits with some great bowls played and the friendly banter created a great atmosphere.

Fittingly, each of the 4 clubs taking part had a role to play in both finals.

The "Plate" final was fought out between The Silver Tops from The Totnes Creameries and The Wibbly Wobblies from Christow. The match was pretty much one sided for the first 6 ends with the Silver Tops rushing to a 10-2 lead. The second half of the match saw The Wibbly Wobblies overcome their wobbles and they fought back to take the score to 10-10 and force a tie-break end. Some nervous bowling ensued but it was The Wibbly Wobblies who held on to take a single shot and an 11-10 win!

The cup final was a one sided affair. Tamar, from Bere Alston, played very well to reach the final but they then came up against a determined Praying Abbots team from Abbotskerswell who strolled to a 17-4 victory.

Well done to the winners, and a big thank you from Christow SMBC to all who took part for helping to create a very enjoyable and satisfying day.

Oh, and the the government's 3pm mobile "alert" went virtually unnoticed 😃😃

The Christow Invite Triples 2023 - The Knock-Out Stages


The Christow Invite Triples 2023 - The Round Robin Tables


The Christow Invite Triples 2023 Cup Winners

The Praying Abbots (Abbotskerswell)

(plus Trevor!!)

The Christow Invite Triples 2023 Cup Runners-Up

Tamar (Bere Alston)

(plus Trevor!!)


The Christow Invite Triples 2023 "Plate" Winners

The Wibbly Wobblies (Christow)

(plus Trevor!!)


The Christow Invite Triples 2023 "Plate" Runners-Up


The Silver Tops (Totnes Creameries)

Friday 17 March 2023

Buckland v Christow - Review

A very frustrating night for Christow when they visited Buckland in the Teignbridge League.

Honours were even overall.

Before tea, Christow won on mat 1 (9-7) but lost on mat 2 (7-9)

After tea, Christow again won on mat 1 (12-8) but lost on mat 2 (8-12)

So, with 2 wins each and 36 shots each the points were shared at 5 each.

Exminster v Christow - Team Announced

The team for the away fixture against Exminster on March 19th has been announced and is below.

Players are requested to be at the venue by 19:15 latest for a 19:30 start.

Before Tea

1. Ralph                1. Derek

2. Janet                  2. Ava

S. Steve C             S. Ian

After Tea

1. Claire              1. Steve S

2. Tony                2. Marcus

S. Jim                  S. Tom

Grey (or black) trousers and club tops please!

Monday 13 March 2023

Buckland v Christow - Team Announced

The team for the away fixture against Buckland on March 16th has been announced and is below.

Players are requested to be at the venue by 17:45 latest for a 18:00 start.

Before Tea

1. Claire                1. Janet

2. Jim                    2. Trevor

S. Ian                    S. Steve C

After Tea

1. Derek              1. Ralph

2. Sean                2. Marcus

S. Geoff              S. Tom

Grey (or black) trousers and club tops please!

The Teignbridge Fours

A big thank you to Derek for organising the 2023 Teignbridge Fours.

An enjoyable Saturday afternoon as spent on March 11th, but Christow just failed to achieve the third win for a 100% record and to come out on top.

Congratulations to Bishopsteignton!

Tuesday 28 February 2023

The Christow Open Triples 2023 - The Christow Teams

 Here are the 2 x teams for this Sunday March 5th

Christow 1





Christow 2

Steve S


Steve C

Thursday 23 February 2023

Christow v Abbotskerswell - Review

Christow gained a valuable 8 points on Wednesday evening when they entertained table-topping Abbotskerswell in the Teignbridge League.

Christow were fully in control before tea winning on both mats.

After tea the matches were much tighter, and although Christow came out on top on mat 2 it was not to be on mat 1, as Christow lost any momentum over the final 3 ends.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 18 Abbotskerswell 4

Mat 2 - Christow 18 Abbotskerswell 2

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 9 Abbotskerswell 14

Mat 2 - Christow 8 Abbotskerswell 5


Christow 53 Abbotskerswell 25

An updated table will be posted when available.

Sunday 19 February 2023

Christow v Abbotskerswell - Team Announced

The team for the home fixture against Abbotskerswell on February 22nd has been announced and is below.

Players are requested to be at the hall by 18:45 latest for a 19:00 start.

Before Tea

1. Maureen            1. Claire

2. Ava                    2. Janet

S. Ian                     S. Steve C

After Tea

1. Derek              1. Tony

2. Trevor             2. Marcus

S. Geoff              S. Tom

Grey (or black) trousers and club tops please!

Friday 10 February 2023


There is no bowls this Sunday due to a bunch of farmers wanting to do whatever it is that farmers do indoors!!

All very frustrating!!!

Christow v Exminster - Review

Christow gained a valuable 10 points on Wednesday evening when they entertained Exminster in the Teignbridge League.

There was some wayward bowling from both teams, but it was Christow who took the advantage.

To summarise:

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 12 Exminster 3

Mat 2 - Christow 17 Exminster 6

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 18 Exminster 7

Mat 2 - Christow 17 Exminster 7


Christow 64 Exminster 23

An updated table will be posted when available.

Christow Members Competing in the English Masters!!!

Good luck to Ava, Marcus and Steve who are taking part in the SMPT English Master this weekend over in Chelmsford.

Good Luck!!!   🍀🍀🍀

Friday 3 February 2023

Christow v Exminster - Teams Announced

The team for the home fixture against Exminster on February 8th has been announced and is below.

Players are requested to be at the hall by 18:45 latest for a 19:00 start.

Before Tea

1. Linda            1. Tony

2. Marcus          2. Allan 

S. Steve             S. Jim

After Tea

1. Maureen         1. Derek

2. Trevor             2. Janet

S. Geoff              S. Ian

Grey (or black) trousers and club tops please!

The Christow "Christmas Night-Out in January"

 A thoroughly enjoyable night was had by all on Thursday January 26th 2023.

23 members (including their better halves) met at the Teign House Inn for what turned out to be a great night.

Everybody enjoyed the great food and generous portions.

Many thanks again to Steve and Wendy for organising the evening.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Christow v Bishopsteignton (away) - Review

It was a frustrating night as Bishopsteignton entertained Christow in the return Teignbridge League of fixture. 

From all reports the real Christow failed to turn up!

Before tea, on mat 1 Christow lost 5-15.

On mat 2, Christow went into the final end 9-8 ahead, but failed to capitalise and lost the measure to end the game 9-9

It was a nightmare after tea with Christow losing on both mats, 2-24 and 10-18

So, a single point to Christow and a serious dent in their league challenge. 

To summarise (and to prolong the agony) ....

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 5 Bishopsteignton 15

Mat 2 - Christow 9 Bishopsteignton 9

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 2 Bishopsteignton 24

Mat 2 - Christow 10 Bishopsteignton 18


Christow 26 Bishopsteignton 66

Thursday 12 January 2023

Abbotskerswell v Christow - Team Announced

The team for the away fixture against Abbotskerswell on January 19th has been announced and is below.

Players are requested to be at the venue by 18:45 latest for a 19:00 start.

Before Tea

1. Allan            1. Tony

2. Janet           2. Geoff 

S. Steve          S. Jim

After Tea

1. Claire         1. Derek

2. Ava             2. Marcus

S. Trevor        S. Tom

Grey (or black) trousers and club tops please!

Thursday 5 January 2023

Christow v Bishopsteignton - Review

It was a frustrating night as Christow took on Bishopsteignton at the Community Hall last night.

An over-indulgence over Christmas was evident on Mat 1 (before tea) and it took a good 5 ends before Christow started to play! It was a close game in the end and Christow went into the final end trailing by a single point. But it was not to be and a 3 to the away side saw Christow lose 12-16.

It was a different story on Mat 2 with Christow dominating from the start. A 20-6 win helped restore some sort of order.

It was a similar story on Mat 1 after tea with Christow running away to a 21-3 victory.

The game on Mat 2 was another close match and the teams went into the final end tied on 10 shots each. Christow had the last wood of the game and came agonisingly close to trailing the jack. After a nail-biting measure, Bishopsteignton were given the shot to come out victors 11-10.

So, 6 points to Christow (including the 2 points shot bonus)

To summarise....

Before tea

Mat 1 - Christow 12 Bishopsteignton 16

Mat 2 - Christow 20 Bishopsteignton 6

After Tea

Mat 1 - Christow 21 Bishopsteignton 3

Mat 2 - Christow 10 Bishopsteignton 11


Christow 63 Bishopsteignton 36