Monday 24 April 2023

The Christow Invite Triples 2023 - Review

Sixteen teams from 4 clubs, comprising of 48 players enjoyed a full day of short-mat bowls at the Teign Valley Community Hall on Sunday April 23rd 2023.

The day was spent in good spirits with some great bowls played and the friendly banter created a great atmosphere.

Fittingly, each of the 4 clubs taking part had a role to play in both finals.

The "Plate" final was fought out between The Silver Tops from The Totnes Creameries and The Wibbly Wobblies from Christow. The match was pretty much one sided for the first 6 ends with the Silver Tops rushing to a 10-2 lead. The second half of the match saw The Wibbly Wobblies overcome their wobbles and they fought back to take the score to 10-10 and force a tie-break end. Some nervous bowling ensued but it was The Wibbly Wobblies who held on to take a single shot and an 11-10 win!

The cup final was a one sided affair. Tamar, from Bere Alston, played very well to reach the final but they then came up against a determined Praying Abbots team from Abbotskerswell who strolled to a 17-4 victory.

Well done to the winners, and a big thank you from Christow SMBC to all who took part for helping to create a very enjoyable and satisfying day.

Oh, and the the government's 3pm mobile "alert" went virtually unnoticed 😃😃

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