Tuesday 16 May 2023

The Christow SMBC AGM - Wednesday May 17th 2023

Just a quick reminder that the Christow AGM is tomorrow night, commencing at 7pm

The agenda is below.



1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of the last meeting held on 18th May 2022

4. Matters Arising

-Involvement of schools

5. Chairman's report

- Highs and lows of 2022/2023

- Proposed pairs competition 2/7/23

6. Secretary’s report

- Correspondence received, future use of Isca

7. Treasurer’s report

- Accounts

- Triples competitions, profit and distribution of funds

- Club sessions and future proposals

- Fees, future proposals for annual membership fees and session charges

8. Competition Sec.’s reports

- Triples competitions, review

- Club competitions, future proposals and prizes

9. Safeguarding officer

- Update and proposals for membership forms

10. Teignbridge league captain’s report

- Review of league and competitions in 2022/2023

11. Election of Officers/ Committee members

- Chairman

- Secretary

- Treasurer

- Competition Secretary

- Safeguarding Officer

- Teignbridge League Captain

12. Other positions

- Club night selector

- TVCH appointee

- Publicity Secretary

- Catering manager

13. Any Other Business

- TVCH - progress of review

- Coaching

- Repair of equipment

14. Date of next meeting

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