Thursday 4 January 2018

Exeter League Match Between Christow C & B

Last night Chritsow 'C' (Brad, Mark & Ian) and Christow 'B' (Maureen, Edwin & Neil)  met in the Exeter League, Christow 'C' were the home team. The match started very well for the 'B' team and after 5 ends had pulled ahead by 6 shots to 1. Christow 'C' managed to pull back by scoring 4 shots on ends 6 and 9. The score on end 13 was tied on 11 shots each, Christow 'C' scored 1 shot on the 14th end. This put  the 'B' team 1 shot behind, Christow 'C' were holding shot with one wood left for the 'B' team. The final delivery took the shot wood away and moved the jack, giving Christow 'B' the 2 shots they needed for a win. The match was very close and enjoyed all involved. Well done Christow 'B;.

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