Saturday 28 April 2018

Spring Bowling Picnic Report

Christow held a Charity bowls competition yesterday in aid of the National Autistic Society. It was called the Spring Bowling Picnic...not that the weather was very Spring like! 16 teams consisting of 3 players with 2 woods each took part. Everyone played 3 games in the 4 sessions before lunch, Lunch was an amazing selection of food in the style of a picnic with a lot of the food including cakes for the afternoon being generously supplied by people connected with the event... thank you to you all.
Feeling refreshed the afternoon knockout stages began. The top two teams from each group entered the Cup Finals and the remainder went into the Plate Final. How each team progressed can be seen in the table below:

Knockout Cup and Plate Table: Click image to view full size.

As this was a very informal event the organisers decided to offer an extra prize. The brief was as follows.............As it’s a picnic, have a rummage in your chest of drawers or walk-in wardrobe (if you’re posh) and wear something suitable for bowling in the country There will be a prize for the best dressed team (no wellies on the mats!) 
Wining this accolade were Exeter Nomads (see picture below).
The event was very successful and raised £426 for the Charity. Congractulations to Carol & Tom Archer for organising the day along with Trevor Tregillus, A big thank you to Ian Nicholls who managed to bowl and score the competition at the same time. Also to all who helped in the kitchen and set up the hall.

Christow C - Cup winners

Kewstoke A - Plate winners

Two members of the best dressed winning team - Do you recognise the bowler?

Thursday 26 April 2018

Exeter League AGM Report

The Exeter League AGM took place tonight at St Thomas Cricket Club in Exeter. Representatives from all clubs were present and the meeting was Chaired by Ken Beer (Exminster). A point raised in Rob Gayton's Secretary report was to highlight the amount of cancelled matches through the season. The introduction of a penalty system for the team that cancels a match is being considered. Also some rearranged matches are not being played within the allowed 4 week period after the original date.
The Treasures report (Rob Gayon) showed a healthy bank balance.
The Registration and Competition fees are to stay the same.
Selection of Officers:
Chairman for next season will be from Nomads (No name given)
Vice Chairman for next season will be from Wonford (No name given)
Secretary Rob Gayton.
Treasurer Carol & Tom Archer.
It was suggested under Any Other Business that new Trophies could be acquired with money from the Leagues funds.
After the meeting closed at 8pm the Trophies and prizes were presented to the top two teams of Leagues competitions.
Division 1
Winners: Wonford A      Runners up: Silverton A
Knockout Cup
Winners: Christow A     Runners up : Nomads A

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Exeter League AGM on Thursday

The Exeter League AGM will be taking place on Thursday 26th April at St Thomas Cricket Club at 7-30pm. The meeting will also include Trophy presentations to the seasons successful teams. Hope to see you there.

Monday 23 April 2018

Some Pictures from ICC Final

Thank you to all who came to support the Devon County A team. Including Brad, Chloe, Sue and Janice, all from Christow. Sadly Hilary Iley was missing from the team due to illness, get well soon Hilary we all missed you. Here are some pictures from yesterday, (Click on image to view larger).





Proud Christow Players
Devon County A Team

Sunday 22 April 2018

Devon County A Team WIN ICC Final

The Devon County A Team played against Somerset today in the ICC (Inter County Championships) at Tamworth Bowling Centre. The first two Sessions were dominated by Devon with the Singles and Pairs picking up 7 out of the 8 points on offer as did the Triples and Fours which followed immediately afterwards. Somerset had a small amount of success in the two sessions after lunch but Devon's spirit overcame any chance of a comeback. After taking further points off Somerset and securing all but one of the bonus points, Devon won the final 32 points to Somersets 8. Well done to Robert Ivings and his team for a fantastic end to what has become a record breaking season.
Pictures of the victorious team will be posted as soon as they are available.

Saturday 21 April 2018

Devon A Team

Can I on behalf of Christow SMBC wish the county A team the best of luck when on Sunday they once again face Somerset. Once again Christow bowlers will be part of this successful team, so can I wish Carol, Ian, Jim, Neil and what's his name 'oh' yes Sean, go for it guys!

Thursday 19 April 2018

Exminster Home Match Report

Last evening we eventually played our last Teignbridge league match,it's been a long season.
Before tea mat one had a hard battle against a team who quickly mastered the Mat. Each team won six ends but Exminster slowly edged ahead, eventually winning 13-9. Meanwhile on Mat two things didn't look too good, after seven ends the score read 2-7 this was when our boys dug in and by end 9 had established a one shot lead. They then took control of the match winning 14-8.
After tea on Mat one Christow bolted into the lead and after some 9 ends (good old nine again) the score was 11-4 but Exminster rallied while our skip had a nap, unlikely to happen again, the final score being 13-9. On Mat two Christow started full of confidence and were never under threat throughout the match only losing three ends. The final score reflected their confidence at a very credible 18-5.
Christow 8 points Exminster 2 points.  🍸🍾
A great end to a exciting season many thanks everyone.  Trevor.

Mat 1. Maureen. Sue. Geoff.
Mat 2. Derek. Brad. Steve.
Mat 1. Beryl. Mary. Trevor.
Mat 2. Janet. Chris. Edwin

Monday 16 April 2018

Exeter League Result for Christow C

Also last night Christow C (Ava, Brad and Ian) hosted Nomads A (Robert, Martin and Richard) in the Exeter League. The match was nip and tuck for the first 8 ends after which Nomads pulled away to finish by wining the match 19 - 8. Enjoyable game to watch from the sidelines.

Exeter League Result for Christow A

last night Carol Geoff and Steve played away against Exminster in the Exeter League and after winning the first end, went on to win comfortably 16- 5.
A good end to the season.

Jurassic Two Pair Fours / Cloakham, Axminster, 22 Apr 18

Sadly we have had TWO PAIRS (Four players) cry off at this short notice. Obviously the Tournament can still run but it leaves a hole, which is unfair on those putting the effort out.
If anybody knows of or would like to play themselves then please email reply by return.
I shall monitor email every few hours ...............
Hopefully many touchers.
David Hayler.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Exminster Home Match Details Added

Player information has been added to the Teignbridge League page for Wednesday's match against Exminster at home.
From League Captain.
As this match is our last match for this season, can I on behalf of all the club members thank Neil for his match reporting skills and the amazing quality of information available on the blog site.
Finally I would like to thank all Christow members for supporting the Teignbridge league this season, we haven't retained the league cup but as the Red Rooster has been known to say "cream always comes to the top!"
Bye for now

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Teignbridge League Meeting

The next Teignbridge League meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 23rd April at Buckfastleigh S.M.B.C.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

New County Secretary Announced

Congractulations to Ian Nicholls who has become County Secretary. Hope you enjoy the challenge and find it very rewarding.

Devon Commitee Meeting News

Following the recent AGM, a committee meeting has been held with the new Devon committee. The meeting was productive and saw several things discussed, these include the following:
•    To get some of the Jacks at ISCA recoated
•    Following the successful trial of a Plate in the Margaret Elliott last year for people that did not qualify for the final knockout stages, the idea will be expanded into some of the County Competitions such as the County Pairs & Triples
•    The idea of running competition(s) in the summer was discussed at length. The Committee feel its too late this season to do anything, but views will be sought throughout the season with the view of possible doing something next summer
•    The entry fees for next season County & National competitions was agreed. Entry fees are remaining the same except for the National Mixed Fours where the entry fee will rise in line with the other competitions
•    It was confirmed that the draw for the County/National competitions will be filmed and then hosted on a new Devon County youtube account.
•    The Committee are looking into getting new Shirts/Fleeces for the County Teams. The committee are also investigating the prospect of sponsorship with several avenues being explored.
•    The date for the County Trials has been fixed for the 29th July. The forms will be available to download on the website soon

Monday 9 April 2018

All Smiles for Sean at Tamworth

Sean with his proud Sisiter Georgie

A Proud young man

Sean in National Under 18's Plate Final

Congractulations to Sean for finishing up as runner up in the Plate competition of the Under 18's Natinal Finals at Tamworth on Sunday. He beat Benny Bass in the semi-finals to earn his place in the final. Great result, your club are proud of you....well done.

Sean receiving his trophy

Saturday 7 April 2018

Notification of Officers And More...

From tomorrow evening there will be two forms added to the notice board. The first being a Notification of Officers for next season with positions listed below.:

Chairman (Sports Club & Bowls Club)
Secretary Sports Club
Secretary Bowls Club
Treasurer (Sports Club & Bowls  Club)
Teignbridge League Captain
Teignbridge League Vice Captain 
Exeter League Captain 
Club Night Selector
Club Comps Secretary
TVCH Appointee
Publicity Officer

Also there will be a form for you to add any topics you would like to see included for discussion in the Agenda for this years AGM on Wednesday 16th May at 7.00pm.
As soon as the dates for next seasons County/National Competitions are released forms for those interested in entering will also be on the notice board. A message will be posted here with the all important dates as soon as I am aware of them.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Christow B vs Christow C Match Report

Christow 'B' (Maureen, Chris and Edwin) were home to Christow 'C' (Ava, Chloe and Ian) last night. It was definitely a match of two half's. The C team dominated the first 9 ends pulling out a 12 shots to 4 lead over the B team. As we are always told by our more experienced fellow bowlers...."never give up, the game is not over yet". Edwin's team took heed of this advice and over the remaining 6 ends scored 11 shots, not allowing Ian's team to score again. The game finished with a nail biting couple of ends with Christow B wining 15 - 12. Well done to both teams for a great entertaining match.

Wednesday 4 April 2018