Saturday 7 April 2018

Notification of Officers And More...

From tomorrow evening there will be two forms added to the notice board. The first being a Notification of Officers for next season with positions listed below.:

Chairman (Sports Club & Bowls Club)
Secretary Sports Club
Secretary Bowls Club
Treasurer (Sports Club & Bowls  Club)
Teignbridge League Captain
Teignbridge League Vice Captain 
Exeter League Captain 
Club Night Selector
Club Comps Secretary
TVCH Appointee
Publicity Officer

Also there will be a form for you to add any topics you would like to see included for discussion in the Agenda for this years AGM on Wednesday 16th May at 7.00pm.
As soon as the dates for next seasons County/National Competitions are released forms for those interested in entering will also be on the notice board. A message will be posted here with the all important dates as soon as I am aware of them.

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