Thursday 26 April 2018

Exeter League AGM Report

The Exeter League AGM took place tonight at St Thomas Cricket Club in Exeter. Representatives from all clubs were present and the meeting was Chaired by Ken Beer (Exminster). A point raised in Rob Gayton's Secretary report was to highlight the amount of cancelled matches through the season. The introduction of a penalty system for the team that cancels a match is being considered. Also some rearranged matches are not being played within the allowed 4 week period after the original date.
The Treasures report (Rob Gayon) showed a healthy bank balance.
The Registration and Competition fees are to stay the same.
Selection of Officers:
Chairman for next season will be from Nomads (No name given)
Vice Chairman for next season will be from Wonford (No name given)
Secretary Rob Gayton.
Treasurer Carol & Tom Archer.
It was suggested under Any Other Business that new Trophies could be acquired with money from the Leagues funds.
After the meeting closed at 8pm the Trophies and prizes were presented to the top two teams of Leagues competitions.
Division 1
Winners: Wonford A      Runners up: Silverton A
Knockout Cup
Winners: Christow A     Runners up : Nomads A

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