Tuesday 10 April 2018

Devon Commitee Meeting News

Following the recent AGM, a committee meeting has been held with the new Devon committee. The meeting was productive and saw several things discussed, these include the following:
•    To get some of the Jacks at ISCA recoated
•    Following the successful trial of a Plate in the Margaret Elliott last year for people that did not qualify for the final knockout stages, the idea will be expanded into some of the County Competitions such as the County Pairs & Triples
•    The idea of running competition(s) in the summer was discussed at length. The Committee feel its too late this season to do anything, but views will be sought throughout the season with the view of possible doing something next summer
•    The entry fees for next season County & National competitions was agreed. Entry fees are remaining the same except for the National Mixed Fours where the entry fee will rise in line with the other competitions
•    It was confirmed that the draw for the County/National competitions will be filmed and then hosted on a new Devon County youtube account.
•    The Committee are looking into getting new Shirts/Fleeces for the County Teams. The committee are also investigating the prospect of sponsorship with several avenues being explored.
•    The date for the County Trials has been fixed for the 29th July. The forms will be available to download on the website soon

1 comment:

  1. And most important of all..... Ian Nicholls has agreed to become County Secretary (so don't upset him!!!!)
