Tuesday 21 February 2017

Summary of Tens Away Match against Totnes Creameries

Yesterday evening (20th February) 10 players from Christow and supporters travelled to Dartington to meet Totnes Creameries in the away leg of the County Championship Competition (West Area - Group 1) also known as the Tens Competition.  Fortunes were reversed from the home leg played 8 days before with the Singles and Pairs both loosing their matches, Jim (singles) only by 1 shot and the Pairs (Trevor & Neil) by 10 or so shots. Swiftly moving on the Triples (Edwin, Carol & Steve) in the second half played a great game and held on to a lead they had built up from the start, winning by 3 shots. The Fours (Janet, Brad, Geoff & Tom) also had a super game against Rose Morrision's team and won the match after dominating the play. So after the 2 legs it all came down to overall shots as wins were tied at 4 games a piece, Totnes managed to score only 2 or 3 more then Christow which takes them through to the next round of the Competition.

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