Thursday 9 February 2017

Teignbridge League Match against Abbotskerswell

Christow 7 Abbotskerswell 3
Last night (8th February) we met Abbotkerswell at Christow in the Teignbridge League competition. The evening started with a very competitive match on mat 1 which saw Christow go behind by 6 shots in the first half of the match. Christow caught up and took a 3 shot lead by the 11th end, Abbots managed to pick up 3 shots on the final end and finishing with a draw of 12 shots each. The match on mat 2 was dominated by Christow and saw them win by 17 shots to 5. After tea fortunes changed and Christow took an early lead on mat 1 which they held on to throughout wining by 15 shots to 6. Mat 2 was not so kind to Christow who had a hard battle and finished very close towards the end with 9 shots to Abbots 11. Christow took the 2 bonus points on offer for overall shot difference.

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