Monday 13 February 2017

Summary of Tens Home Match against Totness Creameries

Last night (12th February) we met Totnes Creameries in County Championship Competition (West Area - Group 1) also know as the Tens.The Singles and Pairs were played first over 10 ends with two practice ends first. Both matches were won by Christow after nervous starts, singles by a good shot margin and a few shots in hand for the pairs. In the Triples match that followed Christow were up against some aggressive bowls from Totnes and were 8 shots behind on the penultimate end, they got their own back by picking up 5 shots after removing Totnes's only close bowl. In the Fours being played alongside the match was very close all the way to the end, Totnes picked up a 2 shot lead on end 9 and managed to add another on the final end after Christow had been holding at least a couple of shots before the last bowls were played. Overall not a bad result, a couple of wins on their speedy mats on the 20th will keep us in the running.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking good.Going into second leg in pole position.Hopefully ladyluck will smile on US next time.Will not win anything without it.
