Monday 27 February 2017

Teignbridge League Match against Bishopsteignton

Bishopsteignton 2  Christow 8
Yesterday evening (26th February) Christow braved the wet night and after a hunt for a parking space gathered in the Bishopsteignton Hall for their penultimate match of the season. There were mixed fortunes in the two matches before tea, Mat 1 were tied at 10 shots each on the 11th end, Christow took shot with the last bowl after the Bishops skip had taken shot with his after being a few shots down. Mat 2 saw Bishops take the win after dominating much of the game. After tea and biscuits Christow managed to dominate Bishops on both mats with a healthy shot difference, especially on Mat 1. The extra 2 bonus points were won by Christow.

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