Thursday 23 March 2017

Christow 'B' Final League Match of the Season

Christow B 31  Silverton C 6
Yesterday evening (22nd March) Christow B (Neil, Edwin & Janet) played their final match of the season which was at home to Silverton C. Silverton scored on the first end but struggled in finding the weight of the mat. Christow scored steadily from then on with Silverton not scoring again until the 8th end. Christow A (Steve, Geoff & Jim) were also playing a match against Wonford which they also won. We were told by Gordon from Silverton after our match that their B team had beaten Broadclyst B on the previous evening. This will make Christow B the winners of Division 2 if this is correct. Well done to Christow B, Derek, Chris, Edwin, Janet, Brad, Ralph & Neil, give yourselves a pat on the back.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done-A fantastic team effort.You all done yourselves and Christow proud.
