Sunday 12 March 2017


On Saturday the Teignbridge fours tournament was held in the Teign Valley Community hall Christow. This was the 27th year of the tournament and in the past each league club transported mats and fenders etc. to the chosen venue where over forty teams would compete for the trophy. Now it is much less work with Christow SMBC providing the equipment and laying out the hall ready for play.
This is a charity event in aid of the Exeter Leukaemia Fund. This tournament and a similar Pairs tournament raised sufficient money for us to make a donation of £350.00 to the Fund. Thank you to all the competitors for making this possible. 12 teams played 3 matches of ten ends (55minutes to the sound signal) breaking for a cream tea after two games. £5.00 per player included the three games and the cream tea – a bargain!! The score didn’t matter.
In reality the score did matter with hard fought competitive play and the umpire called to decide on the millimetres between shots.

Games in Progress
Skips at the Head
Not all teams were made up of experienced players; Moretonhampstead fielded Jake in his first tournament and Christow A fielded Chloe and Ava in their first tournament. Look out!  All three players played well and in the future they will be able to give anybody a hard game.
At the interval after two games some teams had hills to climb and others were cruising. The shot difference ranged from -25 for one team to +26 for another but the competition was quite tight because the winner was to be decided on points
and shot difference only counted in the event of a draw. In a lot of games the ends were decided
by the skips last wood and generally the teams found the afternoon competitive with all to play for. By the end of the third game only one team had won all of their games with the final results being:

Winners - Christow B 9 points +38 shots
Second -Moretonhampstead 6 points +17 shots
Third - South Brent 6 points and +10 shots

Thank you to Chris Wyatt and Wendy Perham for their work in the kitchen preparing, serving and clearing up after the cream tea. 
The Winners - Christow B
Thank you to Val Beer for running the raffle.  
Thank you to the Christow players and Sue Cleave and Steve Collins for their help in setting up and clearing up the hall.
And finally a big Thank you to Derek Wyatt for all the hard work he has put into the arranging and running of Teignbridge Fours Tournament.

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