Friday 3 March 2017

Exeter League Meeting Report

A meeting was held last night at St Thomas Cricket Club in Exeter. Representatives from all but one club attended the 20 minute meeting. After apologises etc, and the treasurers report,venues for the finals of the Win Graham and Knockout Cup were decided These will be Broadclyst on 29th March and Wonford on 17th March respectively. The well publicised news of Rob Gayton (secretary) and Brian Glanvill's (treasurer) resignations were the main topic of discussion. Representatives were asked by Daniel Gooding (chairman) to approach their respective clubs for possible replacements for the two positions. Fears were voiced that the League will not continue if these vacancies were not filled. The last item was to arrange a date for the AGM, this is to be held at the same venue on Thursday 27th April at 7.30pm.

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