Saturday 4 March 2017

From Daniel Gooding (chairman) Re Exeter League

Dear All.
Following the League Meeting on Thursday evening I think it is important that all Clubs are aware of the situation regarding the future of the League.Brian and Rob are both standing down at the end of the season. Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank them both for all the work they have done over the years, I know they have both given up lots of hours to enable the League to run smoothly, for which I am sure all Clubs are most grateful.
I feel now is the time for each Club in the League to discuss amongst club members the future of the League. The long and short of the situation is; If by the League A.G.M on THURSDAY 27TH APRIL there are no volunteers to replace Brian and Rob, it is likely that the League will cease to exist.I am sure all Clubs would be disappointed if this happened, my feelings are that all Clubs would be affected if the League ceased. League matches offer a competitive edge, no matter how good a club roll up night is, it will always lack the competitive edge. If competitive members don't have League matches, some will lose interest, this could also affect club membership numbers.
Please discuss this with your members over the next few weeks, is there someone in your club with some free time to offer the League?
I know Rob is happy to assist a new secretary on a handover basis. Should anyone be interested in helping or require any further information on what is involved, please let Rob or myself know. I feel we have to address this situation now, and not leave it until the A.G.M.
A new Secretary will not be "thrown in the deep end" help will be available.
Thank you for you time.
Kind Regards

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