Friday 16 November 2018

Christow v Abbots Match Report (Teignbridge League)

Last night 12 players from Christow travelled to Abbotkerswell to do battle in the Teignbridge League. We were met by a team of 11 players from Abbots and at 7.10pm play commenced. Both matches played on Mat 1 took a similar route to the final score with Abbots taking command and Christow rallying towards the end of the game. A swap of player positions on the match before tea helped Christow to narrow the deficit. Both matches played on Mat 2 started well for Christow only to see Abbots regain the lead. Although it took them until the final end on the match after tea to prevent Christow achieving any points on the night.
Before Tea
Mat 1  Chloe, Tom, Steve.      10 - 20
Mat 2. Mary, Geoff, Neil.          5 - 12
After tea
Mat 1  Carolyn, Andrew, Ian.   7 - 18
Mat 2  Ralph, Sean, Trevor.     7 - 8


  1. The position of mat 1 needs to be dug up and buried!!!! :)

  2. Jayne Campbell-moseley19 November 2018 at 18:34

    Mat 1 is my favourite (nearest the kitchen)it's definitely easier plus you're nearer the biscuits.
