Thursday 22 November 2018

Christow v Bishops Match Report (Teignbridge League)

Yesterday evening, Christow hosted Bishopsteignton in the Teignbridge League. The first session before tea got underway just after 7 pm. On Mat 1 Bishops got off to a good start. Christow were playing well but were not given the opportunity to score heavily enough to catch up with Bishop's. Geoff's team on Mat 2 had a very close game and initially had a 4 shot lead, Bishop's managed to reduce this towards the end of the game. Christow picked up 1 shot on the final end but needed 2 to draw. After tea Christow's fortunes changed and on Mat 1 Trevor and his team had a close battle but were always a shot or two ahead in the game. Mat 2 was totally dominated by Christow from the outset. Bishops only managed to score on a few ends resulting in a large shot difference. This helped to give Christow the bonus 2 points for overall shots (Christow 46, Bishops 43). Well done to all players.
Before Tea
Mat 1  Derek, Sean, Ian.        8 - 20
Mat 2. Janet, Edwin, Geoff.   10 - 11
After tea
Mat 1  Ava, Brad, Trevor     12 - 7
Mat 2  Beryl, Steve, Tom     16 - 5

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