Friday 9 November 2018

Christow v Ideford Match Report (Teignbridge League)

Christow got their Teignbridge League season under way last night by playing hosts to Ideford. Christow managed to take all 10 points on the night after a very competitive evening of bowls.
I have to admit that I was somewhat concerned how tonight's match would pan out. With Ideford and Buckland joining forces they were a unknown force but although our visitors fought hard for every point the eventual outcome was never in doubt.
Before tea on mat 1 the score after seven ends was 14-2 and although Ideford & Co won three of the final ends the final score was 17-5. Meanwhile on Mat 2 Steve and Chris really need to spend more time rehearsing 'high fives', as they would say on Strictly,  it appeared to lack coordination and confidence but despite this and with Chloe soldiering on they only dropped two ends eventually winning 12-3.  After tea on Mat 1 the winning theme continued but it was a very competitive match, with only three ends scoring more than one shot. Final score 10-4. Mat 2  the score after six ends was 11-0 but Ideford fought back but losing 15-5.
Before tea
Mat 1  Mary. Sean. Ian.
Mat 2. Chloe. Chris. Steve.
After tea
Mat 1  Ava. Ralph. Trevor.
Mat 2 Maureen. Neil. Geoff
Many thanks to all who supported the teams this evening.. Well done everyone, a great start to the season!
Next Thursday we are away to Abbotskerswell - supporters are always appreciated.....Trevor

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