Thursday 29 March 2018

Christow vs Buckfastleigh Report

Last night Christow played their penultimate match in this seasons Teignbridge League. Buckfastleigh made the journey to Christow in daylight. The first session of games were at one stage or another very close. Mat 1 on end 6 were level on 4 shots each, picking up 5 shots on the 7th end gave christow a nice cushion which they held onto and finished by wining 16 - 8. It was the turn of Buckfast to put the pressure on Christow on Mat 2. By end 9 Christow were 8 shots behind but with great determination they kept fighting and pulled back 7 shots to finish 11 -12, great effort. After tea and Doughnuts or birthday cake if you preferred (thank you Ava, Happy Birthday from us all) the second session got underway with two more very close games. On Mat 1 both teams were level by end 4, Christow managed to gain a 5 shot lead by the 8th end only to see Buckfast reduce the lead to 1 shot by the 11th end. With Christow scoring a single shot on the last end the final Final score was 10 - 8 to Christow. On Mat 2 Christow held the lead until the 9th end when Buckfast pulled level at 8 shots each. Over the final 3 ends Christow scored 5 shots over Buckfast's 3 to win the match 13 - 11.
A well deserved 8 points were earned on the night, well done to everyone, great nights bowling.
Mat l:   Maureen, Geoff, Ian
Mat 2:. Ava, Ralph, Jim.
Mat l:.  Beryl, Sean, Trevor
Mat.2:  Mary, Sue, Neil.