Thursday 29 March 2018

Knockout Cup Final Result

On Wednesday 28th March,Tom ,Steve and Carol represented Christow in the final of the Exeter  Knockout cup at Broadclyst against Nomads A - Richard ,Robert and Ray. There was a lot of nervous banter going on before and during the game which was a nip and tuck affair with Christow having a 3 shot advantage after 13 ends. The knock out blow was delivered by Tom with his last wood on the 14th end. Nomads A were holding shot and Tom played the perfect draw avoiding two woods to finish shot wood. (Halo is now transferred from Neil to Tom). This gave Christow a four shot advantage going into the final end where Christow's woods were around the jack,reminiscent of the Indians circling the wagon train.Despite his best efforts Richard was unable to kill the end. Christow ran out 13 -11 victors to win Christow's first Exeter League trophy.
A big thank you to Broadclyst for being so accommodating and allowing us to use their venue for the evening.
Red Rooster

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